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About Us

So who are we?

Quote Unquote Gaming is a Portsmouth based business. One that we bunch of university friends have put together to bring our first game Hero Havoc to life, but in the future we are planning to continue to create a diverse range of games focusing not just on table-top games but possibly digital titles as well. But at the moment we are just focusing on our Kickstarter for Hero Havoc.


Our Goal is to create fun and interactive games to bring as much fun to the public as the amount we bring to each other.

The Team

Alex Tyler

Team Leader, Lead Designer, Programmer


Alex has been receiving 1st at University in game design. He has been developing several variations of card games for years and is looking to progress these further through this business. Alex is passionate about the games industry and uses this to lead the team through each project.

Luke Gibbins

Artist, 3D Modeller


Luke is the artist of the group. Luke is responsible for finalising most of the artwork for team.  Working both physically and digitally and even converting from one side to the other. This often included cleaning up, colouring and shading among much more.

Hannah Tate

PR advisor


Hannah whilst in her studying Journalism joined the team as the PR guru, taking care of marketing and social media. She also often helps out with play testing and even some of the art.

Nick Worrall

Lead Artist and Modeller


With a 1st in 3D modelling, Nick leads the Art and Modelling section of the company. Nick’s excellent time management and drive ensures the artwork is completed and ready to go at the deadline. Nick mainly works on the digital side of the artwork but also contributes to the concept art.

Stephen Edwards

Designer, Production and Distribution


Friendly and good team worker, Stephen is able to creatively solve any problems that arise in the group. This also features in his ability to work out the production and distribution of the company’s projects and arranging meetings and making local business deals.

Matthew Booth

Artist, Researcher, Playtester


Matthew works well as both an artist and designer. He has been creating art as a hobby for years before taking it as a core unit for his university course. His inquisitive nature often comes into calling when needing some research and or in distribution and manages to deal with his tasks swiftly.

Ross Sweetland

Lead Programmer, Accountant


Ross has been computing and programming for 2 and a half years, and proves invaluable to the team as the lead programmer. Also skilled in maths he organises the budgeting and financing for all of Quote Unquote Gaming’s projects. Ross also contributes creatively to the team, also assisting with concept art.

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